- The day after you turned five months, you rolled from your back to your belly. A couple weeks later, you learned how to get from your belly to your back. You can officially now go either direction, back to belly and vice versa. And you do it all the time now - we have to really watch you on the bed or couch! You seem to really like to roll when we are changing your diaper!
- Speaking of diapers, you went up to size 3 a few weeks ago!
- This past month was the first time that your Mommy ever left you for a few days when I visited my college friend in Michigan.
- After I came back from Michigan, you and I went on a different feeding schedule...no more exclusive breast feeding...we started a couple times a day of formula.
- Here's a big one: you ate your first real food! And your Grandma Frances was in town, so she got to feed you avocados. Your Mommy is making your baby food at this point, pureeing it and putting it in ice cube trays for freezing. You loved the avocados - you did so well! See below for some pictures!
- You now have two sisters who go to high school - your sis, Megan was promoted from 8th grade this month!
- You met your Uncle Ryan and Cousin Vera for the first time a couple weeks ago! Pa, Mimi, Uncle Ryan, Aunt Nikki, Kiara and Vera have been in town for a week or so. We have been hanging out and loving on them! Pictures are below!
- A HUGE first - you were dedicated to the Lord a week ago! We had an awesome ceremony for you at church with great church friends and family there. They all agreed to help raise you to love Jesus - how cool is that?
- You are starting to really babble - and syllables too. Other times, you just scream and shriek. And you are not even in a bad mood - you are happy - just in a screaming type of way!
- You tried sweet potatoes and LOVE them (probably your favorite so far)...and tried apples, bananas and prunes. You aren't really a big fan of apples or bananas, which is really strange - I thought'd you would love them. We'll keep trying!
- Right at six months, we stopped breastfeeding altogether. You are now officially a formula fed baby...we made it six months, which is what I was hoping for! You eat four times a day - we dropped the dream feed at about 5.5 months (10:30pm feeding)...and it was pretty darn easy to do. You now sleep from 7pm - 7am - such a good baby!
- And finally, we had your six month well-check today and you are growing like a weed! You are 18 lbs and 1 oz and are 27 inches long. You are in the 81st percentile for weight (dropped from 95th at birth) and 88th percentile for height (was at 95th at birth). So, you are just perfect! The doctor even said so! She said to keep doing what we are doing, because you are a healthy little girl! You did so good with your shots too - cried at first (who wouldn't, right?) and then you were smiling again by the time we were leaving the office.
Getting ready for your dedication
Sisters loving on your before dedication
You and your Mama!
During the ceremony at church
Kinda had a hard time when Pastor Brett took you!
Kiara and you - getting a little tired!
All worn out after your dedication
Grandma Frances and you for your first try of avocados!
Having fun with Kiara
Sweet faces!
You and MiMi hanging at the pool
You liked your pool time!
Your cousins - Keely and Kiara
You with Daddy and Nate
Vera - she's hard to grab a picture of!
Your Mommy and Cousin - somehow I got her to sit with me and take a picture!
We love you baby girl! I can't tell you how much you have changed this past month. You are such a little spunky monkey! You are such a good baby - but you are a loud one! You make the best noises. Not so much baby babble...more like "Wooo!" and "AHHHH!". It seems like you try to participate in conversations. And your eyes are still your show stoppers - everyone loves them. I feel like I have so many things to write about you, but words don't ever seem to match what I type out. You are just the ultimate best thing ever. That's about the best I can do with words!