And then, one glorious Sunday woke up (not screaming) and you ate breakfast (didn't scream)...we played (no screaming)...and your Daddy and I just held our breath. We went to did awesome...ate lunch there (no screaming)...still holding our breath. You made it through that day like the good-natured girlie that we know and love! And your Mommy thought she had won the lottery! =) The rest of that week you did pretty darn good...and it's been that way since. You definitely have a tendency toward screaming now when you don't get what you want or your ears hurt you...but you are 180 degrees different than those couple of weeks. And we just hope it stays that way!
You are becoming such a little person. You love to mimic sounds and words we use. You can tell us how the monkey, puppy, cow, piggy, lion, elephant and fish go. Yes, pucker up your lips all cute for that one. You are into EVERYTHING. You love exploring all over the house. You have no real interest in standing or walking at this point because you have no need. You get up on your knees and can hold yourself up in that way without holding on to anything....but you haven't pulled yourself to your feet yet. And that's okay...I'll enjoy not having a walker for a little while longer! The cabinets have been all child-safety locked and security gates are up everywhere. I can't imagine what more we'll have to do when you are walking!
You love your Sissies. You love waking up in the morning and finding where they are in the house. The smile you make when you see them is awesome. You love picking them up from school and having them sit in the back seat with you. You love the attention they give you. It's sweet. In the past month or so we have gone to a ton of cross country meets for Kyndall and marching band competitions and football games for Megan. We have been super busy with you...but you generally like traveling and going to new places. You especially love the football games and seeing the Mountain Ridge mascot, Monte. You think he is THE BEST.
Especially now that you aren't forever-screaming are such a treat for us. You either love to play by yourself and can play for 30-40 minutes all love to stack stuff up on shelves, open and close doors and play with your fake phone (you'll hold it up to your hear or mouth and say, "Hewoooo"). Or other moods you have to be with us and be in your Mommy's arms. Speaking of that, you have become a Mama's girl in the last several weeks - only I can feed you and hold you when you cry (at least if we want you to stop crying!). And let's talk about this Mama thing for a second. You stopped saying "Mama" for a long while! At the beginning of 10 months, you stopped saying my fact, when I would say, "Say Mama", you would say "Dada". Not cool, baby girl! That lasted a good three weeks....and you are just now saying Mama again!
And you are so pretty, baby. I think I am probably just really biased on this one...but you are. Strangers in public comment on how pretty you are all the time...especially your pretty blue eyes. And your hair is growing in a lot now...and it's all wavy and curly in the back. I love that! You did not get that from your Mama!
You love interacting with people. Peek-a-boo, wheels on the bus, itsy-bitsy spider, sweet baby (you love doing this with Daddy), blowing kisses (which is so stinkin' cute!), and we play like we are going to get you and you crawl away fast and just laugh your head love all of those kind of things. You have started watching shows on TV. You LOVE VeggieTales and Backyardigans. And Mommy relied on these HEAVILY when you were sick and cranky...and is very thankful for them and distracting you that week just a little bit. You should see your face light up when the songs start playing on these shows. You are so crazy excited, your hands are flying everywhere.
With all the sicknesses of this past month, I haven't had you in your independent play time as much in your play we are currently re-learning that time in there. This past week you have been in it every day and you are much better now...but you are still in the re-learning process there!
It was Halloween this past week too! And you were a little chick-a-dee. You were adorable...we went tick-or-treating with you around the neighborhood. And then Daddy and Mommy had to eat your candy, darn it. =) Here are some pictures....
Next up? Your 1st Birthday!!!! I think it's going to be a very VeggieTale type of birthday for you! Love you sweet baby girl!!!!