Friday, July 16, 2010

And so it begins!

So the my blood sugar readings have been pretty steady and predictable (for the most part - there was always a few crazy, unexplainable ones too!) up until now.  And I knew this time was coming...I just wanted to get back from vacation before I had to put my mind into the steady blood sugar climb that I knew was inevitable....but it looks like my blood sugars don't take vacations like I do!  The last few days, I've been in the high 100's, doing everything I could do get them down (bolus, bolus, bolus, in other words - more insulin, insulin, insulin!), and they are still hanging out in the upper 100's.  I hate that.  It makes me feel like a crappy mom already.  So on the third day of this, I decided to use all these innovative features on my pump that I usually don't have to use - one of them is called a temporary basal rate.  Usually, I have a set basal rate throughout the day (e.g., Noon - 4pm is at .8 units/hr, 4pm - 9pm is at .725 units/hr, etc. - I have about 7 or 8 different basals rates throughout the entire day).  My basal rate should keep me at a steady good blood glucose number if I didn't eat any carbs throughout the day (the bolus is what I take for meals or short bursts of insulin to correct a high).  I can go in and tell my pump that I need a temporary basal rate - either higher or lower than normal.  Eventually, I will just adjust my basal rates entirely (and keep adjusting from what I read from other diabetic pregos!), but until I know for sure if this rise is permanent, I thought I would set a temporary basal rate and increase by 30%, so essentially I am getting a 30% increase in my regular basal rates.  And guess what happened?  Yep - numbers were amazing yesterday.  86, 93, 65, 86, 94...loved it!  I had it set through the night for a 20% increase instead, but at 2am I was 42, so I stopped the increase, ate some Starbursts and woke up at a little low, but good number of 70 this morning.  Went for a walk, was 104.  Good.  Had some coffee, check again after 30 minutes.  198.  I think we are back on track for my temporary basal to be that's what I did and am hoping it delivers as well as it did yesterday.  I am now to 160...which isn't great, but not least on the downward trend.  Plus I did eat some oatmeal and peanut butter for breakfast too, so that would naturally have me higher because there are carbs in them.  I have a feeling my life is about to get a little crazier!


  1. You are doing a FANTASTIC job taking care of your little one! YOu will have the healthiest little girl ever. I love you!

  2. Thanks Nik...sometimes it's hard to feel that weay, even when I do everything in my power! I love you too!
