Friday, October 22, 2010

Well, Heeeello Miss Linebacker!!!!

I had to write you a quick update after your growth ultrasound yesterday.  You are a big girl!  You measured/weighed in at 5 lbs 15 oz already!  That means you are pretty much a six-pounder!  That puts you in the 80th percentile for weight.  I have a feeling you are long (they can't tell me how long you are), so I'm sure some of it has to do with that....but they also said your belly is measuring a few weeks ahead - at 36 weeks.  Where, your head is measuring 34 weeks.  No worries, you are still a healthy little baby girl, the only thing it could affect is how you are delivered.  In four weeks, if your belly is still measuring bigger than your head, then they will schedule you to be delivered via c-section just to be safe.  It doesn't sound fun to me to have your head come out just fine and then your belly gets stuck....if you know what I mean!  =)  Right now, your belly is 2cm bigger than your head....which really isn't all that we'll see.

I guess I could start feeling "bad" for this whole big belly thing.  "They" say that babies to diabetic mommies tend to have this issue - if high blood sugars are present, then your belly grows with fat, which makes it bigger than your head, I guess.  This is what us diabetic mommies try to do good at.  And, well, it should probably make me feel like I failed you already.  But I'm not letting myself go there.  I mean, I have had A1C numbers that rival "normal" people, I've tested my blood sugar 15 times a day, wake up every night at least once or twice to test and make sure I am in line, where a continuous glucose monitor to help manage my ever-growing need for insulin in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters even more, etc......the list goes on.  I'm just not going there.  I have done everything possible to make sure you are a healthy little girl.  And to be honest, if they told me you were underweight, I'd be really concerned because you are growing like a healthy baby should.  This way I know you are a healthy baby - a really healthy baby. =)  Plus, your Mommy was a 9 pounder and your Daddy weighed in at 8 lbs 15 oz.  We have really no chance of any sort of dainty kids.  =)  So no pity party for me....even if you are a small toddler when you come out of my God's grace he has blessed us with you and in no way am I going to diminish that miracle by boo-hooing about anything.  You're the best, plain and simple!

The ultrasound tech also said you have hair - a lot of hair - and long!  This will be so crazy to see what you actually look like after hearing so much about you!  I can't wait to see my fat baby with a mullet!  =)

They also said my amniotic fluid was a little low, but still in the normal range.  I think "normal" is 7 - 25 and mine was around 9.  The nurse practitioner that I saw was not too concerned...only if I got closer to a 5.  She said just drink water (I already drink 100 oz a day!) and rest, preferably on my left side (that magical left side!).  My swollen feet seem to be linked to this...if my circulation isn't as good, then yours won't be either, so you don't pee as much, which then affects the fluid (because that's what amniotic fluid is!).  So, I may need to slow down a bit.  Not sure how to do that quite yet.  Luckily they measure amniotic fluid each week, so we'll know weekly how you are doing in there.

The next growth ultrasound is at 37 weeks for me - four weeks.  I have a feeling that week we will know exactly when you are coming.  That will be the planning week for you.  Can't wait!  I've been waiting to plan this detail out for almost 33 weeks now!

Oh...and no good ultrasound pictures either!  First of all, remember the talk we had before we went in to the ultrasound?  Keep your hands away from your face!  Well, you didn't listen so well....they were still by your face.  =)  Also, at this stage of pregnancy, it's just harder to get a good shot because all you get in the picture is a body part - so your head barely fits even in the picture.  Oh well...we'll see you live and in person soon enough now!

Love you baby girl!  I can't wait to hold your chubby little body!  And brush your mullet.  =)

1 comment:

  1. So glad you commented on my blog! Can't wait to go back and read yours, and to hear about the end of your pregnancy. Thanks so much for your encouragement!
