Tuesday, September 14, 2010

28 Weeks - The Calm Before the Storm?

Hi baby girl....how are you doing in there?  I feel you kicking all the time, so something must be fun!  You kick so hard sometimes that I worry that you need out or something is wrong!  But, after a few good ones (that are a bit scary at times with the intensity!), you settle down.  Whew!

So, your Pa and Mimi left yesterday (we already miss them tons too!) and our lives now look like they are slowing a bit....so I think I am dubbing this time the "calm before the storm."  And yes, that would make you the storm...but not the scary tornado-crazy kind of storm that your Mommy loathes.  You're the good kind of storm - sure, it will be full of no sleep, blurs and whirlwinds - but filled with so much more love and cute baby smells than I'm sure I can even imagine!

I'm taking in this time to suck in a little of this calmness (hope it sticks around for a while before you get here at least!) and enjoy my last 11 weeks of pregnancy.  You are definitely a part of my body now...in fact...you stick out quite nicely.  I haven't gotten to the uncomfortable-get-this-baby-out-of-me stage yet....I hope I never do...but you definitely make it a little more difficult to do things lately, like, say...shave my legs or bend over to pick something off the floor.  And then there's the kicking!  (By the way, I secretly love it....I just like to be dramatic about it too...because you are quite a kicker!)  Actually, your Sister, Megan and I were just sitting in bed tonight and I told her to look at my belly.  And there you were, bopping away.  She couldn't believe it was you!  And your Daddy put his hand on my belly last night right in time to feel a WHOPPER of a kick.  After feeling that doozy, I think he finally started believing all the stuff I've been saying lately about how crazy your kicks were getting!

I have been getting some tightening in my lower tummy every so often and I assume this is the whole Braxton Hicks contractions thing everyone talks about.  Kind of a crazy feeling and not even sure it's a contraction thing or not, but it would make sense that I would be feeling these at this point.  I just need to pay attention to them when I do get them and make sure there aren't more than a few per hour or else I'd need to call the doctor!  For now though, they are very mild and light....like my body is doing a warm up for the big race in a couple months!

Here's all about you this week:

This week you weigh about 2 ½ pounds and measure around 15 inches long. "They" say you are the size of an eggplant.  How glamorous, right?! During the last four weeks your weight has nearly doubled!  You are moving around a lot these days (don't I know this!), but soon this will slow down as you start to run out of room inside of my uterus.  I guess I need to savor these crazy wild kicks while I have them!

Your smooth brain tissue continues to develop folds and wrinkles as it increases in mass.  Brain functions include breathing and maintaining body temperature.  Lanugo hair is starting to disappear over your body, but eyebrows, eyelashes and the hair on your head is growing (and we saw pictures!).  Bone marrow has taken over the production of your red blood cells from the liver at this point.  Muscle tone is improving (I think my sore upper stomach muscles are proof of this!) and the your body is filling out with warming body fat. 

I think that's about it baby girl. This week was a bit boring...but in terms of you continuing to cook in there, boring is good at this point!  I see my tummy moving in my peripheral as I type this, so you are awake and up and moving once again.  I love you sweet baby girl...can't wait to hold you!

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