Friday, September 10, 2010

Doctor's Appointment

Hey baby girl...just a quick update.  I had a doctor's appointment yesterday and Pa and Mimi got to come as well (and your Daddy too, of course).  I had an ultrasound for growth measurements and all looked good!  The tech checked you out again and you are still a girl (we check every time....just in case!).  After all the measurements, she weighed you in at 2 pounds 11 ounces!  The tech made a couple comments about you having chubby cheeks and fat rolls on your legs!  I asked if this was normal since I have more than 2.5 months to go and she said yes.  =)  You are at the 68th percentile for your weight.  The doctor was a-okay with this number for you and said you are right where you need to be.  He did mention that your abdomen measurement was a little larger than "normal", but he wasn't concerned. I guess he relates it to the diabetes stuff and it must be what typically happens to people in my shoes.

Let's see...what else did I learn?  I know that I will be induced Nov. 30 (or you taken by c-section if you are measuring over 10 lbs!) at the latest.  If things with my diabetes control goes wacky before that time (don't think it should, but I wouldn't mind seeing you earlier!) they would take me before that to deliver you - anywhere from 37-38 weeks as long as your lungs are developed fully.  If I do get induced, I will be able to choose the point of getting the when the pain is too intense I can get one immediately (instead, some doctors make you wait until you are dilated to a 4 or 5).  That's good to know!  =)  Also, whether I use my pump and keep it connected through labor or have the hospital put in an insulin drip is up to me.  The difference is that the hospital can't touch my pump, so I would have to manage it's function all on my own during labor.  I'm not sure yet what I would want to do...whether I'd rather just focus on labor and not be in control, so to speak....or be in control and have my pump to worry about too.  If I had the insulin drip in, then they would be the ones monitoring me.  I'll keep thinking about that one.

I need to start keeping track of kick counts as well.  Four per hour, twice a day.  So far, you are a rock star at kicking, so this is an easy task for your Mommy!

Oh...and I have a bit of an obsession with hot (buffalo) sauce...and I get a bit of a hard time (jokingly, I think) from others around me that you're going to come out with red skin and spitting fire.  I asked the doc, just to be sure that I am not harming you in there with the hot sauce and he laughed and told me I am just fine with eating it.  Well, drinking it is more like it.  =)

We got a couple pictures of you, so I have to post those of course.  Here they are!

You are getting so big!

This is a straight-on face shot.  So crazy because you can completely make you out in 2D sonograms now and you don't look like your alien pictures from before!  This is where the tech commented on your  chubby cheeks.  And she told us that you have eyelashes (the white marks above your left eye that almost look like stitches!).

Pa and Mimi loved seeing you again.  They got another good look at your heart and zoomed in on it, so we all got to see how cool it was to see your heart just beating away.  Easily saw the four chambers of your heart doing their job!  They loved seeing all the details!

That's all I got little girlie...we have a weekend left with Pa and Mimi before they head back to IL...the next time we'll see them I'll either be close to labor or have you in my arms!  Crazy!

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