's the scoop on you this week. As you will begin to tell, you are going to get more and more boring as the weeks progress...because you are so fully formed at this point with just a little fattening up and lung development left (okay, and a few more things probably too)! And as boring as that is, that makes me a lot more comfortable from this point on!
Like I said above, you are now pretty well built portion wise even though you don't have a lot of body fat and your skin is thin. The structures of your spine begin to form -- All 33 rings, 150 joints and 1000 ligaments. Your tiny brain is growing rapidly, and your are starting to fill the space in my uterus. Speaking of uterus, it is now about the size of a soccer ball! Really? Just imagining a soccer ball in my tummy where you are is crazy.
"They" also tell me that your hands are now fully developed, although some of the nerve connections to your hands have a long way to go (okay, so I guess it's not just your lungs and fat after all). Dexterity is improving. You can make a fist and clasp objects placed in palm. "They" tell me as well that your prime entertainment now is exploring the structures inside my soccer ball of a uterus.You are fascinated by simple stimulation that you provide yourself; you touch a hand to your face, one hand to the other hand, you clasp your feet, touch your foot to your leg, your hand to your umbilical cord. In other words, you are a master at keep yourself busy and playing by yourself!

I am feeling great - the only complaints I have are my feet get a little swollen at night, so I am learning to slow down a little bit and exercise in the pool more so that can be helped. Also, I have a few heart flutters, which feels a little scary, but all the docs say this is normal since there is so much additional blood pumping through my system now. This girl can't complain though...I've had it easy!
By the way, Avery Jo...we have no worries that you will be a girl that can stand up for yourself! You may even be some kind of Tae Kwon Do expert in your time! You were kicking the heck out of my tummy last night and my belly was bouncing with it. One time, the kick looked SO big, and I only caught it out of the corner of my eye - so I can imagine if I saw it straight on how amazing it would have looked! And you were so reactionary last night too - we were tapping on my belly here and there and you would kick us right back! It's so much fun to play with you!
Several things to tell you about this week baby girl. First, I had a doc appt. last Thursday. All went well. (I got a "You rock!" from the doc when they saw my latest 5.7 A1C!). Talked through the "hole in your heart" mini-scare from several weeks back and since this was a different doc, she looked through the report and saw ZERO mention of it at all...which is great...just what your Mommy wanted to hear. We also talked about you and what their procedures are for delivery. For example, I have an opthamologist appointment this week (because I had mild retinopathy listed on my last eye exam) to see if that is still the case or has gotten worse. If it has gotten to a severe point, then they would schedule a c-section between 37-38 weeks to get you out of there so I don't have a "threat" of pushing (could make the little blood vessels in the back of my eyes really bad). But, that is only if it is severe, I guess. So, say that my eyes are in decent shape, my doctor's group has me come in at 39 weeks (Nov. 30) and get an ultrasound to measure your size (of your abdomen and shoulders). If those measure normal size then they induce me, if not, they will take you by c-section. I love the fact that you will be here a week early for sure (see my pathetic, "can't wait for baby" rant above!), I just don't know how I feel about being induced. I haven't ever heard the best stories about the labor after inducement, but it's just one of those things. I realize that I want you out as healthy as possible (and I trust God), both of those together means that I just have to wait and see...and know that God gave my doctors smart brains for a reason. Of course if something doesn't feel right to your Daddy and I on the big day, we will insert our opinions, but for the most part, I'm trusting the doctors. That's always been my style anyway. Now, getting your Pa and Mimi out here (and hopefully your Aunt Nikki and Cousin Kiara too!) to be here for the big time will be a little tricky since we need to schedule flights and don't know exactly when you're coming. I am supposing that God will work that one out too! =) I have that opthamologist apointment on Thursday, so maybe we will know at that point more...and then again maybe not!
Also, just got off the phone with Val (who is the lady that is certified with pump/CGM stuff and analyzes all my blood sugars and tells me what changes to make). She really does a lot of work for us. Every week (or lately it's been every 4-5 days) she looks at the download from my CGM and calls and we talk about changes needed. We are getting to that time where every 4-5 days I need to up my insulin either with my basal rates (overnight has been the biggest pain in my butt!) or my sensitivity factor (how sensitive my body is to the insulin I put in)...or with my carb to insulin ratios (when I eat a meal how much insulin I give for that meal). ALLLLLLL of these things are completely normal at this stage in the game (Val assures me a lot about that!) and it actually shows that my placenta is functioning correctly for you in there. A healthy placenta starts making bodies resist insulin midway through second trimester and it just resists more and more until you are born. So, as annoying and frustrating as it is to never seem to have my blood sugars figured out anymore, the good part is that this is completely normal and even healthy. Basically, this is my life for the next 14 weeks - look at my blood sugar patterns and tweak/change basal rates, sensitivity factors and carb ratios - all looks good for two days - see another pattern develop over the next 2-3 days where I am going higher at certain times - repeat the analyzation step again and start over! I just stay on top of it all, that's my job of course. And it definitely doesn't hurt to have someone like Val (and the rest of the docs) on our side, willing to stay up late looking at my blood sugars and analyzing them, talk to me on the phone for 30 minutes every several days to explain changes, and then that doesn't even count all the emails and thoughts in between that they put in to make us as healthy as possible! Val thinks I'm an overachiever and am basically working too hard - I need to trust my pump/CGM more (like I explained weeks ago, this thing is so smart with all the algorithims the brainiacs at Medtronic use to figure out how my blood sugars should "land" after insulin is given, based on how much insulin is in my system already, my sensitivity factors, basal rates and carb ratios set, etc. etc. - let's just say my pump is smart!)...and let it do it's job, instead of taking over and making corrections. SO VERY HARD FOR ME...but I have seen many times where Val is blood sugars went too low 3-4 hours later after I overrided the correction the pump wanted to give me because I didn't think it was enough. It's just so hard for me to see a high number and I want it down quick so you aren't affected...and then it usually comes crashing down instead and that affects you too. It's just a new mental place for me to get trust the pump and let it do it's thing...and then, I can relax a little more and not overwork my own brain.
Okay, so here's something fun. Your Sisters, Daddy and I all did an art project for you last weekend! We had these big wood pieces that your Daddy cut into "polka dots" to put on your wall for decoration in your room. And we each got to design one ourselves with paint...just for you! I also made some smaller polka dots with the letters to your name on them to put on your wall too. Your Sisters did so good (and your Daddy's is way cool too)! I love what they did...and I can't wait to walk you around the room and look at them with you and tell you about their art and what they made! I took some pictures of our painting time and finished product below.
Beginning of the design - working hard!
They are designing away and I am having a creative roadblock - so I started with your name on small circles first
Megan's starting with a palm tree!
Kyndall has a pretty flower for you!
Megan's finished product - looks like a great scene to me!
Kyndall's flower - so cool and pretty at the same time!
Your Daddy's piece of art for you - pretty cool, right?
I finally pushed through the creative wall and did this for you!
These are the tiny polka dots that will hang on your wall!
I can't wait to see them on your walls - hopefully in a couple days they will be up - and I will post some more pics of them on the wall for you.
The next few weeks are fully of busyness - and we are so excited about it! Your Daddy and I leave to go to Illinois to see family and then a shower for you! It sounds like there is going to be a lot of family and friends there, so we are praying for good weather! We are so looking forward to this time there! Your Aunt and Mimi (and Pa too!) put a lot of work into planning and getting stuff ready for us and I am so thankful for them. I get to stay through the week to visit more with family and friends (can't wait to see your Cousins Kiara and Vera!!!!)...and then, your Pa and Mimi fly back with me and stay out here in AZ for 10 days! Woohoo! They get to come to your next ultrasound appointment, see Kyndall's first cross country meet in Flagstaff, be here for Megan's 13th birthday party (with a bunch of crazy Jr. High girls!), and then also see you again at a special 3D/4D ultrasound we have set up (we will get a bunch of great pictures AND video to post on here later!). By the time all of that is through, I will be in the 3rd trimester already!
We can't wait to see everyone and show you off - no one has ever seen me with a prego belly - so this should be fun for all! Don't be surprised if you feel a lot of touching and pushing on you in the next couple weeks - I know that a lot of people will want to feel you kick - so just do what you do best! I love you AJ!
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