Thursday, April 1, 2010

First Ultrasound

Originally, the nice doctor that found out you were in my belly thought that I may be as far along as eight weeks. A little scary since I really wanted to know as early as possible to keep my bood sugars under control so that you could be as healthy as possible, but very cool if I already was that far along with you! So, she ordered an ultrasound and I got in the next day. Your Daddy came with me (because, yes, he's that good of a Daddy) and we found out that there was no sac yet, meaning, I couldn't be eight weeks along. The tech was almost positive that I was pregnant because everything else looked like it, just no official sac I had to be just four weeks. Well, a few blood tests later to see if my prego hormones were rising at a good rate and we figured out that this was true...I was only a little over four weeks with you at that point.

This was HUGE to me...a little disappointing at first (because we really wanted to see you on the monitor that day!), but so very much a big deal because I found out you were with me at the earliest point possible, pretty much. And what's that mean? That means, I can make sure and take the best care of you as possible, by monitoring my blood sugars and food to the best of my ability. I get scared sometimes that I have a high number here or there...and it seems like mostly it's for no reason (I have been sooo anal about bolusing the right amount, checking every hour, etc.)...but I know in my heart there is no way I could do better taking care of you. I give the highs to God...He, after all, is the reason you are here and is going to make sure you are the way He wants you. Gotta give this to Him.

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